Wednesday, November 18, 2009


We're finally all healthy around here. It was a full week of fevers and coughs, all three kids at the same time, and I had a milder case of it along with them. Cam was quite helpful through it, and he never even caught it. I'm wondering if it was H1N1, the whole town seems to have it. Hopefully it's done and over with now.
We cut our cable service recently. I'm really enjoying it actually, the kids and I are being much more crafty (literally), and I'm reading more. We also watch a lot of movies :)
Winter is definitely here, we've had a lot of snow the past few days. I welcome winter this year, I want to get a lot of scrapbooking done.
Carson just dropped down to one nap, much to my chagrin. He is totally miserable around suppertime but the only thing that makes it worthwhile is that he has begun sleeping through the night! I hate writing that to jinx myself. I wrote about it in my journal last night, and of course he was up at least 7 times. But I don't care, I'm gonna mention it here too. He has been sleeping a good 12 hrs at a time. I really notice how much more rested I feel.
New Moon comes out in theatres this week!

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namely the aptitude for organization and for managing human beings. It did its work well; and superior intelligences of other kinds, such as the scientific and the literary, were well content to leave the born organizers in power.