Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I had a really nice Mother's day.  Cam and the girls surprised me in the morning with a gift of perfume, which I adore.  Then they cooked me scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast.   After church we had crepes with strawberries and whipped cream, which I had been craving for some time, and then we went on a bike ride.  Nice day, except for when we went to Dunvegan Gardens, and the kids got super whiny.  Leah sat on the ground the whole time picking rocks out of her sandals (wouldn't keep up with us), while Kelsey complained of hunger.  Then for a minute they would fill the cart with little trays of flowers which they weren't supposed to and we'd tell them to put them back.   And of course everyone had to pee.   But hey, if it wasn't for them Mother's day wouldn't be special for me!
Leah turned 3 a couple weeks ago.  The terrible 2's have rolled over into this new year. :)   She still throws a lot of tantrums and I think they're even louder now that she's 3.  I unfortunately had to spank her just before bed on her birthday.   She had poured out the entire contents of her shampoo bottle into the bath and I was very annoyed.   This is something she does far too often, and she doesn't listen!  I'm tired of buying shampoo every time I run to Walmart, and finally her shampoo sits up high out of her reach.  
My girls have not been playing nicely lately either.  It seems as though they're fighting and crying more than anything.  I hear so much inaudible sobbing.  "Leah hit me/punched me" is a common one.  So is "Kelsey didn't let me do it" or "She says I can't".   Leah gets physical when she's mad, and Kelsey plays mind games.  lol  Tonight when Leah wouldn't get out of the bathroom, Kels told her that there were bears out there, or something like that, which freaked Leah out.  Fun times.  

Bought some new running shoes hoping they'll inspire me to jog.....nothing yet.  

We're doing the "Fireproof Your Marriage"  6 week bible study at our house on Wednesday nights.  5 couples are here.   We're 2 weeks in and it's really great.  

1 comment:

Jenn & Wade said...

This post totally cracked me up! I totally understand the whining and not getting along....annoys the something out of me some days! Glad you had such a nice mothers day....those crepes sound so yummy right now!!