Sunday, September 27, 2009

From the mouths of babes...

Leah has been saying some funny things lately. I'm going to post as much as I can remember.

*In Walmart, she was standing in the cart, wiggling and giggling, when she said "God is tickling me!"

*Reminiscing about when she had sore/bleeding gums with canker sores, she said, "I don't have Deuteromonies on them anymore". (I meant to spell it that way, she mixes up the m and n). She had these sores while Kelsey was learning a memory verse from Deuteronomy. Somehow she associates this with her sore mouth.

*Yesterday as I was putting her ballet shoes on before her dance class, she whispered to herself "I'm going to be famous."

*Leah to Cam- "Daddy, when you went to work, you turned the toaster onto burn, and you didn't turn it back. When I made toast (now her eyebrows got really angry), they got BURNTED!" Cam started to laugh, which really hurt her, and she ran down the hall with a quivering lip on the verge of tears.

There's so much more, of course i just can't remember...
Carson is walking! He took his first steps last week at 9.5 months. He can't stand up on his own, so he always needs to pull himself up onto something first, so he's still got some learning to do. :)

Kelsey loves kindergarten! This is an answer to prayer for sure.


heidi said...

so cute! love the ballet one :)

lil said...

Those are awesome!! You've got to write them in her baby book. We get old and forget, if we don't. ;)

Taxi Driver said...

That's just so naughty of daddy to set the toaster on "burn" and not turn it back.....can't believe he would do such a thing. Too sweet! Congratulations on Carson's first steps.