Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Spring Break

Thank goodness March is over and welcome spring!  I went for a walk today and it was so refreshing.  The kids and I strolled down to Tim Horton's and enjoyed chocolate dipped donuts and chocolate milk.  Even Carson seemed to enjoy himself as he got plenty of smiles from sweet elderly ladies.  There are still huge piles of snow everywhere, but they're surely melting.  

Cam and I have been feeling very stressed with our finances.  His work has slowed down dramatically, but thank God he hasn't been laid off.  That's his worst fear right now.  So far they're keeping him busy, even if it's cleaning, small jobs, etc.   Made for some small paychecks last month but we made it through.  I've been trying to cut back on our spending, especially groceries.   One way we're saving is by baking our own bread.  I'm actually really enjoying it.   Once a week or so I try to do up a big batch of bread/buns for the week.  Cam likes to help to so it's something we're enjoying together.  Bonus!  Also, I'm babysitting part-time for a friend from church.  It's very convenient as she lives just down the street from me.  I'm caring for her 8 month old son which can be more challenging than I anticipated with a baby of my own, but all goes well.   It only gets a little hairy when both babies are hungry/cranky at the same time.  How do people take care of twins, let alone multiples?  Yikes.   I'm also picking up a few shifts at the pharmacy in the next couple weeks which will really help and I'm looking forward to it.  I kind of miss it.  

On a brighter note we're taking a little holiday and going to Edmonton over Easter.  I booked the hotel a couple months ago, and recently we've been debating whether or not we should even go because of the money situation, but we're going to do it.  We decided that we really need this break and it will be fun for the kids.  We're budgeting it very well, and hopefully our income tax cheque will be in by then for an extra boost.   Leah's super-stoked about going to Chuck E. Cheese even though none of us have ever been to one!  We received a coupon in the mail for that place, and Leah was sold instantly just from the picture.   In my head, I picture a very chaotic, noisy restaurant full of kids hopped up on pop.  I'm preparing myself.  
Even amidst stress, I feel that our life is so full of richness and blessings.  I don't want to take anything for granted. 


heidi said...

i feel for you with the whole financial situation. its so difficult not knowing for sure if you're going to get a normal paycheck every month or not. but i think its SO good that you've decided to go to edmonton anyway. those types of things are worth every penny because you appreciate them all the more. have fun! :)

lil said...

I didn't know you were still blogging on here!! Good to hear from you, and I pray you do have a good, relaxing Easter!! So, your mom will have only Jeff and Kristy and grandkids around for the weekend, eh?
We have our Easter 'dinner' BBQ tomorrown nite (Sat) with cousin Scott here. Will be so fun!
Our guys haven't been working for a month, now, and we know the stressful feelings that can come with it. It's so funny that I get up and go to work and the guys stay home! :} But we think that there will be work this next week! Maybe we have to move back to BC to find logging jobs!!