Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Baby Story

< This is my last pregnant picture.   Cam took 2 different pictures of me like this and they were both from terrible angles, but whatever, I'm still posting it.  :)  My whole story started on Sun Dec 7th when I felt some "trickling" while at church.  I was a bit concerned of what was going on.   There was definitely no gushing as portrayed in the movies of water breaking.  I called the mat ward that evening to ask the nurse what she thought I should do.  She told us to come in and get checked.  So we packed up the kids and brought them to my mom and dad's.   The nurse was an older woman with an English accent and she was so funny and kind.  Sure enough, it was amniotic fluid that was leaking, and I was shocked to find out that I was also 4cm dilated!    I was told that I wouldn't be going home and my labor should be starting soon.   They set up a bed for Cam beside me and gave me some sleeping pills and then we waited...I couldn't sleep because I was so anxious.  I was totally expecting to be sent home but since I had to stay I really thought this would be it.   When I woke up at 5:30am and felt exactly the same I buzzed the nurse in and told her nothing was progressing.   She was disappointed that I wasn't having this baby because her shift ended at 6am.   They gave me a pass to leave until 12 pm.  At that time I would see Dr. Watt and he would assess the situation.  (My main doctor, Dr. De Bruyn was on Christmas holidays, so I was seeing Dr. Hamill, but just by fluke--he was gone for 4 days, so now I had a 3rd doctor!)   Dr. Watt told me that I should go into labour naturally within 48hrs after rupture of waters, so he sent us home.   If I didn't go into labour overnight, I should go back and 8am and be induced.  That night I tried drinking raspberry leaf tea, which is supposed to induce labour.  I had some painful contractions that night, but nothing more.  So in the morning we packed up the girls again and brought them to mom and dad's.  It was exciting this time because I knew they would meet their new sibling shortly.   At about 9:30 am I was finally hooked up with IV's and the induction had started.  This is when the picture was taken.   Every half hour the nurse increased the amount of oxytocin.  My contractions were becoming more frequent and painful, but VERY gradually.  I remember mentioning to her, "I thought this would go faster".   At noon I got served lunch of tomato soup, and seriously, mid-bite, I had a very painful contraction.  It was a long one too.  And then within 2min I had another one like that, but even worse.  The next hour was a whirlwind.  Right after that first painful cont., the nurse told me I was 5-6cm.  That disappointed me.  Dr. Watt was downstairs having lunch so they called him up.  Within minutes he arrived and told me I was 8-9cm!  I wasn't surprised because I was in horrendous pain.  I wanted something for pain but it was too late.  He suggested the gas.  I tried it for about 3 contractions, but it didn't help and the mask on my face was making me really irritable.   (Actually Cam tells this funny story of how after using the gas mask I touched my face and asked him, "Is my face puffy?"  He laughed at me and said it wasn't, then I laughed too).   I had the urge to push and everyone was yelling at me not to push and to breathe like this, he-he-he-he.  I remember trying to relax and remain loosey-goosey, but that is so ridiculous.  My body was writhing in pain and I must've been extremely tense because I was so sore all over the next day.   Anyways, finally I could push and 15 min later he was born.  I was the first one to notice he was a boy.   I was so excited!   I needed a couple stitches, but everything went well.  He weighed in at 7lbs 11oz, 19 inches.  1:07pm on Dec 9th.  I hope this picture isn't too graphic--it's one of my favourites because he's truly brand new there!

Cam spent the next hour phoning everyone with the good news.  Kelsey and Leah came shortly after.  They were a little unsure about a baby boy because they really wanted a sister.    Leah is very loving and is constantly mothering, more like smothering him :)  Kelsey was happy to admit that she loves him as soon as we all got home from the hospital.  She always puts the soother in his mouth and likes to help change diapers.   She actually finds it very stressful when he cries. 
Gotta run, I'll post more about the home life another time. 


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your good story, Bonnie. and I had not seen that 1st picture.. precious.. love, mom

lil said...

SO glad you had a little boy!! You'll have a few gifts from Jenn, Tamara and I when your Dad gets home on Monday, Feb. 2nd!!

heidi said...

thanks for posting your story, bonnie! brave girl with no drugs, WOW! the last picture reminds me of one we have of tristan, he's still attatched by the umbilical cord and my bloody legs are on either side of him. its graphic, but i love it!